Tools for pastors
Tools for pastors
Stacy Long
Stacy Long
AFA Journal staff writer

April 2016 – “At Cook we have always had a heart for pastors and leaders who are laboring without benefit of a seminary education and who typically don’t have much of a library,” Brad Quicksall, spokesman for David C Cook publishers, told AFA Journal.

That mission began in 1875, after the Great Chicago Fire left many living on the streets. Businessman David Cook bought a printing press and began producing materials to equip believers who had a desire to serve but didn’t know how.

Cook’s ministry grew into a publishing company that continues outreaches to deliver biblical materials to places where people do not have money or means to purchase them.

Packing books
One way that is done is through the Leadership Development program. “Toolboxes” filled with Bible study materials and leadership resources published by David C Cook are sent around the world into the hands of pastors who are otherwise unable to access Christian training or books.

“Fortunately, we have published some of the most useful books for pastors,” Quicksall explained.

The books included in the toolbox sets are 12 of Warren Wiersbe’s Be Series of Bible commentaries, the Applied Old Testament and Applied New Testament commentaries by Thomas Hale, three leadership books, a Scripture Pictures Flip Chart, and the Life of Christ, from the Picture New Testament. The toolbox libraries, translated into 10 native languages, have been sent to more than 118,000 pastors in India over the last eight years.

In addition, 4,500 Bible school students in 17 countries in Africa have received many of the toolbox books. For 10 years, David C Cook has been sending books to China, and the Be Series is also sent to Cuba and Vietnam.

“Many who have received the books tell us those are the only Christian books they own, aside from the Bible,” Quicksall said.

Adjusting technology
“Unfortunately, printing and sending hard copy books, especially to foreign countries, is very expensive,” he added.

The rise of new technology remedies that, and expands outreach to include even more books, languages, and pastors.

“It was welcome and surprising news when pastors began to tell us they wanted material on SD cards (digital storage cards for transferring information between electronic devices) to use with their mobile phones,” Quicksall said.

With the busy lifestyle of pastors who are often bi-vocational or travel over long distances to reach remote peoples, SD cards allow them to get the most out of the Bible teaching.

David C Cook has partnered with Trans World Radio ( to voice Bible materials and put them on SD cards to send to India.

“So far, we’ve produced 15,000 SD cards. Each card contains 16 of the Wiersbe books with 95 hours of audio and also text format,” he said. “These SD cards have proven to be an effective and low cost means of getting commentaries to those who need them.

“The celebration events that we cosponsor with TWR for the launch of each of these cards have been a pleasant surprise. For the launch in Kathmandu, for instance, 250 people were invited but 600 people showed up. The SD card project has been so successful we are planning to take it into more languages and more countries.”  undefined

Other global outreaches from David C Cook

● Life on Life (serving vulnerable children)
● Story of Jesus (illustrated gospel)
● Helping Communities Heal Refugees

In the past year, David C Cook has reached 15,831,881 children, 142 countries, and 94,419,243 lives by giving away 35,634,355 materials. Learn more at or call 800-708-5550.

To help a pastor receive a toolbox library, visit or call 719-536-3222.