Young believers fuzzy on biblical morality
Young believers fuzzy on biblical morality
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

April 2016 – Barna research reported in January that a huge majority of young Christians have an accepting or positive attitude toward porn. Among 18-24-year-olds, 76% actively seek out porn. Those as young as 13 years old also say when they talk with friends about porn, the subject is treated in a way that is neutral, positive, or even encouraging.

While 52% of young Christians say that not recycling is morally wrong, only 32% say pornography is wrong.

In addition, Liberty Counsel’s Larry Tomczak referenced a survey published by USA Today indicating that “65% of altar-bound singles – many of whom identify as Christians – now live together before marriage.”

Tomczak said reasons people give for choosing cohabitation include parenting a child, not being financially ready for marriage, or they are already divorcees., 1/31/16; 2/4/16