Planned Parenthood ethics in the news
Planned Parenthood ethics in the news
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

April 2017 – Sue Thayer, a former PP employee, has testified that PP has a quota for abortions provided, and offers employees incentives to meet that quota. Thayer told Live Action that during her time as a PP manager in Storm Lake, Iowa, “I trained my staff the way that I was trained, which was to really encourage women to choose abortion; to have it at Planned Parenthood, because it counts toward our goal.”

For reaching their quota, Thayer said employees earned rewards such as paid time off or pizza parties., 2/7/17;, 2/9/17

PP has again been caught lying about their services. Despite PP CEO Cecile Richard’s claims that they provide prenatal services, Live Action has found otherwise. In a series of undercover calls made to 68 PP centers, Live Action volunteers inquired about PP’s ultrasounds. In one call, a PP staffer made it clear that PP did not specialize in prenatal care: “We specialize in abortions. That is what our ultrasounds are for: to see how far along the patient is.” Out of 91 PP offices investigated, only five offered anything resembling prenatal care., 2/3/17

In addition, PP may be abusing taxpayer dollars according to the Charlotte Lozier Institute and Alliance Defending Freedom. In their fifth annual report identifying financial abuse, waste, and potential fraud by abortion providers, nearly one in four PP affiliates has been involved. The report found $132 million of misused taxpayer funds, resulting in a call for Congress to investigate the abortion provider and take action., 1/12/17