Gender not fluid, scientists say
Gender not fluid, scientists say
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

July-August 2017 – Weizmann Institute of Science released a study in early 2017 revealing genetic research results that clearly dispel the idea that gender can be chosen simply by “identifying” as male or female.

Professor Shmuel Pietrokovski and Dr. Moran Gershoni examined approximately 20,000 protein-coding genes sorted by sex, and identified about 6,500 genes that were expressed differently in men and women. For example, genes were more highly expressed in the skin of men compared to that of women, and the difference correlated with the growth of body hair. In men, gene expression to facilitate muscle building is higher; and in women, fat storage is more highly expressed.

Researchers discovered genes in the mammary glands of males that may suppress lactation. Other genes were found in the brain, heart, and liver that explain predisposal in both sexes to certain health conditions.

The research has proven differences between male and female go beyond self-identification, hormones, and sexual organs.

Liberty Counsel Press Release, 5/9/17; onenewsnow, 5/16/17