Against the wind
Against the wind
Rusty Benson
Rusty Benson
AFA Journal associate editor

November 2015 – If nautical parlance can be used to describe the work of American Family Association, Ray Rooney Jr. would hold the rank of captain aboard the USS AFA because he upkeeps the ship’s logbook. That logbook is called The Stand and it can be read on the Internet at

Rooney explains, “The Stand is the name of AFA’s blog, a term that joins the words web and log. A blog is like a captain’s log on a ship, a daily record of events and incidences.” In that way, according to Rooney, The Stand documents AFA’s responses to the issues and ideas that are important to Christians.

Rooney’s official title of digital media editor belies the significant assets he brings to AFA, gained through 29 years in the pastorate, a deep understanding of the Scripture, and a gift for writing. In a recent interview, he reflected on the contribution of The Stand in fulfilling AFA’s mission.

AFA Journal: Who are the writers on The Stand?
Ray Rooney: Almost all of our blogs are written by AFA staff members or those closely associated with the ministry.

AFAJ: Describe a good day on The Stand.
RR: A good day is posting three to five new blogs that when I read them, I say, “I wish I had written that.” Whether they are about current issues or something else, they enlighten or instruct me, or give me a new perspective.

AFAJ: How do you assess the success of the blog?
RR: First, I see if we are drawing comments. A good blog provokes responses from readers, and they don’t all have to be positive. Second, I look at how many times the blog has been clicked on or shared.

AFAJ: How does social media fit into how The Stand functions?
RR: Blogs and social media sites such as Facebook work hand in hand. Sharing a blog means that the reader clicks the button that automatically posts the blog on their Facebook page for their friends to read. Same with Twitter or email. The goal is not just that the individual reads the blog, but that it is passed it on to others by way of social media sites.

AFAJ: What kinds of articles resonate with readers of The Stand?
RR: One is commentary that relates to an issue in the news. Second, and somewhat surprisingly to me, are theological blogs. Subjects can range from a Christian doctrine to issues of Christian living to words of encouragement. People are hungry for anything that has a biblical framework.

AFAJ: Are you ever surprised at reader response?
RR: Yes, all the time. Often I’ll review a blog submission and think, well, there’s not much content here. Then, when it appears on The Stand, it will just blow up, and readers will respond in great numbers. Of course, the opposite happens, too.

It simply has to do with the Spirit of God. As Jesus said in John 3, “The wind blows where it pleases.”
That happens on The Stand, and it’s the most exciting part of my job, watching God work.  undefined

undefinedRay Rooney Jr. has been married to Jill for 33 years. They have four children and three grandchildren. He holds a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary and is progressing toward a Doctor of Ministry degree. Click here to read a blog by Ray that has been viewed 12,600 times at and 167,000 times by Facebook users.