Dan Celia
Financial Issues
September 2015 – Q: I’m retired and concerned about a market downturn. I’m less concerned about the loss of money than the loss of income. Any suggestions?
A: I believe the importance of creating income is vital to a healthy financial future. (See A Case for Income at afafoundation.net.) In fact, right now it is more important than ever to create permanent income, and there is no better way to do this than through a charitable gift annuity.
I do not suggest that you commit all your money to a CGA, rather carve out a piece of your resources to create permanent income. When the markets turn down or when inflation turns up, a CGA dependably provides income that can be added to your Social Security and/or pension.
One other thought about the remainder of 2015: If you are approaching retirement, I suggest that you have a significant portion, 60% to 70% of your investments, in money market accounts. Wise investors understand the value in not losing principal during volatile economic times.
Dan Celia has been in financial management for more than 30 years. He works closely with AFA Foundation and can be heard six days a week on AFR Talk (afr.net).
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