Chastity impacts marriage
Chastity impacts marriage
Mike McManus
Mike McManus
Marriage Savers president

January 2016 – Chastity is more than a Christian ideal. It can virtually guarantee a lifelong marriage according to new research by the Marriage and Religion Research Institute of Family Research Council.

At the October 2015 World Congress of Families, the first in the U.S., attended by 3,350 people from 60 countries, participants debated many strategies to strengthen marriage, family, and the future of children.

MARRI director Patrick Fagan argued compellingly, “What undermines marriage most is the number of sexual partners one has. The percentage of first marriages that are still intact after five years of marriage, for men and women whose only sexual partner was each other, is 99% for men and 97% of women.

“However, for women who had one other sexual partner before marriage, the percentage of intact marriages drops to 62%, and if she has had two partners, it drops to 50%.” The slope of decline is somewhat slower for men, but is the same for both sexes after five additional partners.

Therefore, chastity before marriage is the single most important guarantee of a lifelong marriage. Modern statistics back up Scripture.

“Flee from sexual immorality,” Paul wrote to the Corinthians. “All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body … Therefore, honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:18-20).

If a girl has her first sexual partner at age 12, she will have 21 sexual partners with a 75% probability of an out-of-wedlock birth, and welfare. Sadly, that’s a description of the black culture. Only 17% of black children in the U.S. live with married parents.

The key to developing a commitment to chastity is weekly worship. “Worship impacts chastity. Chastity impacts marriage. Marriage impacts society as a whole,” Fagan asserted.

Interestingly, the World Congress was held in Salt Lake City, home of the Church of Latter Day Saints, commonly known as Mormons. Chastity is a cornerstone of their faith. Mormon children grow up dreaming of a temple wedding. During marriage preparation, both men and women are asked separately if they have been “pure,” having a relationship without sexual relations or touching of sexual organs. If either person acknowledges that has taken place, the couple can marry – but not in the temple.

By contrast, most Christian churches never even preach on chastity. When did you last hear a sermon on remaining pure until marriage? Indeed, nearly two-thirds of U.S. weddings are cohabiting couples. They are not only sexually active, but living together.

Result? America has had one divorce for every two marriages for 40 years. In 2013, for example, there were 1.15 million divorces and 2.2 million marriages.

How can this trend be reversed?

As a panelist in a World Congress workshop, I outlined an answer. I noted that my wife and I personally helped prepare 61 couples for marriage in our home church in the 1990s. Of the 61, only 10 were chaste. As one element for marriage preparation, we asked the others to consider signing an “Optional Premarital Sexual Covenant,” in which they pledged to remain chaste until their wedding. I showed the couple a chart from a 1991 study reporting that the sexually active premarital couples are two-thirds more likely to divorce than those who married as virgins.

I turned to the young man, saying “You can’t become a virgin again. But you can become chaste, which would dramatically increase your odds of a lifelong marriage. Why not play by God’s rules over the next three months until your wedding?”

About half signed the covenant when we met two weeks later. But we asked others to reconsider. Ultimately, 43 couples signed it. We know of only one divorce among the 61 couples.

Of 288 couples our church prepared for marriage in the 1990s, 58 decided not to marry – a big 20%. However, of the 230 couples who did marry, we know of only 17 divorces – virtual marriage insurance.

And chastity was an important element.  undefined

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