Walmart earns perfect score  on AFA religious liberty survey
Walmart earns perfect score on AFA religious liberty survey
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

January 2016 – AFA’s new Corporate Religious Liberty Index campaign got underway this fall. Walmart, the world’s largest brick-and-mortar retailer, was the first to respond.

Walmart scored a perfect 100, with its answers demonstrating that the corporation respects and values religious freedoms for its employees. The company was sent the survey in August. Another 30 received the questionnaire in November. More companies will receive questionnaires in January.

The CRLI survey includes seven questions about corporate policies and practices. A company’s responses will be scored, compiled, and assigned an “index number” (on a scale of 0 to 100) that indicates whether it is favorable, indifferent, or antagonistic toward religious liberty among its employees. 

The CRLI addresses the issue of religious freedom only and does not consider other corporate policies.