Hollywood boycotts Georgia
Hollywood boycotts Georgia
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

August 2019 – Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) (photo above) signed a pro-life law in early May. Set to go into effect January 1, 2020, the Georgia law bans abortions after detection of a fetal heartbeat, usually around the sixth week of gestation.

Offering tax credits as high as 30%, Georgia has become an attractive filming location for Hollywood studios. Using potential revenue as leverage, several small film companies quickly pledged to boycott Georgia unless the law is reversed, while Amazon and Lionsgate supposedly pulled production on major film projects. Netflix, Disney, and Viacom are threatening to boycott, with other studios contemplating action 
as well.

Ironically, Netflix and Disney continue filming partnerships with the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, where abortion is illegal, as well as with China, where Muslims are currently held in internment camps. Disney has also filmed in other countries where abortion was illegal at the time, such as Croatia, Ireland, and Bolivia.

newsweek.com, 5/11/19; time.com, 5/28/19;
breitbart.com, 5/31/19