Trump bill authorizes defense grants for churches
Trump bill authorizes defense grants for churches
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

April 2020In the wake of multiple church shootings in recent years and increasing anti-Semitic violence, President Donald Trump told a national gathering of mayors on January 24, “[W]e must work together to reject the monstrous evils of anti-Semitism and anti-religious bigotry. I will sign legislation authorizing $375 million for federal grants to help houses of worship and other faith-based and nonprofit organizations defend against violence.”

Later that day, the president kept his word, signing H.R. 2476 authorizing federal grants to places of worship and nonprofits for the purpose of defending against violence amid rising hostility to religion.

The grants may be used for things such as fencing, cameras, stronger doors, and the hiring of security professionals. In a related story, a study conducted by Lifeway Research found that around 80% of Protestant pastors say their church has some type of security measure in place when they gather for worship., 1/27/20;, 1/28/20