Netflix promotes child porn and abortion in animated series
Netflix promotes child porn and abortion in animated series
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

January-February 2019 – Netflix’s original series Big Mouth is known for pre-pubescent sexual erotica of all kinds. Though the average age of its characters is 11, the TV-MA (mature/adult rating) series follows a group of tweens and teens liberally using coarse language and sex jokes.  

“This is a show with adult humor, but because it’s a cartoon, they have tentatively slotted it for adolescent kids,” said Dr. Duke Pesta of Freedom Project Media. “It’s an attempt to provide the most crass … sexual kinds of information to little, little kids.” The new season includes an episode titled “Planned Parenthood” devoted to convincing 12- and 13-year-olds of PP’s merits. 

Conversely, Christian filmmaker Benjamin Nolot is under fire for a documentary about the “hook up” culture airing on Netflix. The documentary, titled Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution, reveals the dark consequences of an oversexualized culture. Liberal critics object to the fact that the purity message is making its way to a mainstream audience via Netflix., 10/23/18;, 10/28/18;, 11/6/18